Happy Woman On The Phone

Telehealth/Phone Consults

We have patients from all over the country: Colorado, Florida, Arizona, California, Portland, Louisiana, North Carolina, etc. We are not limited to in-town or in-person visits.  Friends, family, and colleagues of patients living in other parts of the country are looking for the quality of service and level of results we are getting by restoring and building life without drugs and surgery. By simply listening to someone’s story, running a few tests, and exercising a clinical understanding of biochemistry, we can guide and direct a person’s health journey from afar. A life filled with vitality and strength all the way to the end.

There are times that it is not feasible to have an in-office visit, so we do allow patients to schedule phone and/or video consults. This allows you to stay on track with your Just Live Well Program.

The fees associated with a virtual appointment are the same as with any new patient.

  • New Patient Nutritional Consult
  • Dr. Chapa
Living Well
  • New Patient Nutritional Consult
  • Dr. Sorcic
Living Well
  • New Patient Nutritional Consult
  • Lynn Pappas
Living Well
$120, $60
  • All Follow-Up Appointments
Living Well
Additional services we have in the office, such as laser therapy and foot baths, are not available for phone appointments.
We can mail products and resources as needed. Shipping within the United States is as follows:
Order TotalShipping Price

If you have further questions or would like to set up a virtual appointment,

please call our office at 281-554-8600.

Still Have Questions

Our team of professionals are here to help!
Start Your Wellness Journey Here

In Person, Telehealth, and Phone Consults Available